I don't know where that kitchy/cheesy title came from, but once I said it out loud I knew it was a keeper. Sorry.
These are my floppy
Freesias, being held up with kitchen twine and sticks.

And the wide angle effect. It looks a lot more 'finished' now with all that bark there. I should have put the garden hose away, but you don't mind do you?

My raised planter bed, full of pine tree related
junk. I could spend a week picking out those little pollen related thingies, but I just don't stock that particular brand of crazy.

This is Pete, the garden gnome who protects the plants, wards off neighborhood cats, and gives nosy pigeons a sharp jab with that pick-ax (at least I hope he does, because they deserve it). Pete is very pleased with himself and his work in the garden.
Verrry pleased :-)

Here we have a
Brandywine tomato plant, looking the way they are supposed to when they are alive and cared for by a nursery during the delicate seedling stage. Mine are all long since deceased. So I bought this one at the nursery too.

This Jalapeno plant was on sale at the nursery, so I figured "eh, why not. Peppers are pretty hard to kill aren't they?" This concerned the staff. But, here it is, completely alive and producing flowers like crazy! There are little wee pepper buds forming inside the flowers, hopefully to become full grown, fiery fruits. It took a little battering by the wind, but it seems to be doing

And finally, the neat little row of
swiss chard. When they get about 2" high I'll thin them out to about a foot apart. I should be able to keep 8 plants that way, allowing for a few of each color. [Side Note: I'm not completely sure that I even
like swiss chard, but I was drawn to the bright colors on the seed packet. Magenta! Gold! Red! White! Pathetic. If they ever make
shiny seed packets I'll be in real trouble!]